Diagnomatic app

Core values

  • Diagnomatic was awarded Red Dot Award 2021 in Brands & Communication Design category.
  • The Diagnomatic solution provides instant test feedback, while the results are sent to a secure cloud.
  • It has universal phantoms & allows for multiple tests at a single scan.
  • It’s compliant with global regulations, including EUREF, Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, and EFOMP.
  • Diagnomatic solution is used worldwide, including in the US, Germany, and Japan.

A few words about collaboration

We collaborated on a Diagnomatic project with Pro-Project, an expert in the medical device industry that aims to verify and boost the quality of medical equipment by providing various solutions to precise diagnostics.

This is our largest project, with over 9 years of collaboration. And we can confidently say we have come a long way, from 0 automatically analyzed modules to 14.


  • Fully automated process – from image upload to final report
  • MVP rewrite of the web version
  • A thorough web app redesign
  • Improved user experience
  • Ongoing support & maintenance



  • Various international clients and regulations to comply to
  • A specific field of knowledge
  • Working on an existing product with users all over the world
  • A number of tools to integrate to make full automation


App redesign

The app has its user base, so at the beginning of the redesign phase, we contacted users that used its previous version. Because of this, we got a lot of helpful insights and take aways that we could save for later.

As the focus was also on UX, we carried out usability tests, which made the solution even more intuitive and user-friendly.

Simultaneously with the redesign process, there was a rebranding and the launch of a new website. Here, we ensured a unified vision of all aspects.


Web app rewrite

Along with the rewrite, we implemented React as the leading project technology. Because sometimes instead of throwing in more updates, it’s better to rewrite, as technologies are getting older and no longer respond so well to the needs of businesses and users.

In this way, we ensured continuous maintenance and support. Plus, it ensures faster development in the future and other benefits in that matter.


Ongoing work

The Diagnomatic project is ongoing as we constantly collaborate with Pro-Project and collect user feedback to improve the solution even more. But we must say we’re proud of the product that was created and the fact that it helps a number of people every day, is just a cherry on top.

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I'm the least tech-savvy person ever, and so the thought of developing an entire piece of software is paralyzing. But, again, you've demystified the process and made it, dare I say, easy! You got something good here and I'm already looking forward to dusting off a couple of other software ideas I have!

Justin Isom
Innovator & Founder 2on2off, LLC

TechEdge Developers is our primary external development partner. We have now worked with this company for several years, and under the leadership of Rafal Kartaszynski, we have found them to be knowledgeable, responsive and highly professional. We have no hesitation in recommending Rafal and TechEdge Developers for development work.

Mark Aston
Nevaka, Inc.